Instructional Technology

Mission Statement
The Instructional Technology Contact works with the District Instructional Technology Integration Specialist to become familiar and/or learn District instructional technology software and instructional technology
delivery standards.
The ITC will participate in District instructional technology trainings throughout the school year and provide instructional technology training and support to other teachers on campus during grade level/subject department
meetings, campus staff meetings, or one on one support and training as needed and/or requested by the campus principal. 
Instructional Technology Resources
All Instructional Technology Resources for Teachers can be found in our Google Classroom. Please email [email protected] for the Class Code. 
Resources Provided:
-Professional Development Opportunities
-Surveys and Feedback
-District Professional Development Digital Library
Awards and Recognitions
2021-2022 ECISD Keyboarding Secondary Winner
2022-2023 ECISD Keyboarding Secondary Winner
Denisha "Rex" Requenez
Instructional Technology Contact
Room 215 - Ext 1066
Additional Duties:
- Campus Website
- Campus Social Media