Campus Info

Edinburg High School is one of four comprehensive public high schools in a city of approximately 90,000 located in one of the lowest income metropolitan areas in the United States. Edinburg, Texas is located approximately 18 miles from the Mexican border. Edinburg High School has an enrollment of approximately 2,500 students, with an ethnic mix of 95% Hispanic, 4% White, and 1% Asian / Pacific Islander. The teaching faculty numbers 175 certified faculty, with 35% holding advanced degrees.
Edinburg High School Mission Statement
We, the educators of EHS, believe that all students can learn and that our school can make a difference in the lives of its students.
Edinburg High School Alma Matter
Thy praise resounding
This is our chant we sing
Our Alma Mater
To the skies thy name shall ring.
Sons of the red and blue
To thee may we e'er be true
Proudly we hail thee.
Edinburg High School Pep Song
Where the Texas Valley
meets the Rio Grande
Stars forever shnining
on our happy land.
Here's to dear ol' Edinburg
to her we're true
our Alma Mater, the Red and Blue.
Edinburg High School Philosophy
It is the purpose and mission of Edinburg High School to provide all of its students with an educational program which will allow students to develop to their fullest potential intellectually, physically, and socially in order to be responsible and contributing members of society.